Tag Archives: #seasonhighlight

Ironman 70.3 Zell am See 2014 Summary

Friday 29-08-2014:

Just before departure in Graz with full packed car.

After arriving at my Hotel in Bruck an der Glocknerstraße which is a neighboring place of Zell am See I made myself at home and warmed my precooked noodles for lunch. After that I went by car to Schüttdorf from where I walked to the Ferry Porsche Center in the centre of Zell am See for doing the registration for the Ironman 70.3. After that a friend and I visited the expo and went to the PEWAG lounge to get some coffee.

Fully energized we went back to Schüttdorf to pull our wetsuits on and making ourselves ready to get into the water make a short swim.

In the evening we first went to the “Kasnockenparty” and afterwards back to the hotel where I made some last preparations on the bike and the changing bags so that everything is ready for tomorrows bike check-in.

Saturday 30-08-2014

I had to get up early, about 6:30, so that I have got enough time for breakfast etc. because the race briefing started at 9:00 at Ferry Porsche Center. Fed with information about the course, rules and some other stuff concerning the race weekend I was motivated to do some shopping at the expo. I bought an Ironman t-shirt with the names of all participants on the back, am special Ironman 70.3 Zell am See tea cup and a brighter visor for my Casco Speedairo helmet.

After a second breakfast (small snack or however you call it 😉 ) we inspected the running track in the centre of the city. During the inspection we arrived at the seaside where the PEWAG Ironkids race started. Again it was time for a coffee at the PEWAG lounge where we could meet Marino VanHoenacker, who should win the race on Sunday btw, and take a photo with him.

Around lunchtime my parents and my girlfriend Laura arrived at the Hotel. After unpacking some stuff we went for lunch to a small restaurant on the other side of the street where I had again noodles 🙂 .


Photo shooting with the probably chosen race tricot just before the bike check-in.

Later Laura and I went after a short photo shooting at the balcony of our hotel room, to the bike check-in. Further I showed Laura some of the spots in Schüttdorf and in Zell am See where the athletes will be. During that we made a short stop at the PEWAG lounge. Thereafter I went to bed immediately to be fit for tomorrow!

Sunday 31-08-2014


Arriving to the start by bus.


…the day I have been training for a whole year. At breakfast everything felt normal but later on in the shuttle bus I already felt a little bit nervous. In the transition zone for making a last check on the bike all the excitement was gone.


About 30 minutes until the start!


Warm-up time – first onshore afterwards in the lake!!! I was really surprised because since Friday when I was the last time in the water the temperature of the lake decreased a lot. It felt really cold. Not even the cold temperature of the sea could reduce my and the motivation of all other participants.

Will you find me 😀 … ?

Start for the pros was at 10:00. At exactly 10:05 was the start of my starting block. My first race over this distance…so I had no idea what surprises this race has got for me. Already at the first meter I got a foretaste of what I was waiting for me the next 1.9km in this cold lake. From nearly everywhere I got a hit so that my rhythm got interrupted all the time. Additionally I got a group of slower swimmer in front of me so I could not choose my own speed. After a few minutes it was possible to swim normally – but just until the first buoy where the whole field of swimmers got crowed together again. Here we go again – another round of boxing and fighting and hoping that the time for normal swimming will be soon. After the turning buoy I could finally swim my personal speed although I could not swim in triple strokes because of some (for me unknown) reason the left side of my goggles was filled with water all the time. I came into the transition zone after swimming in about 35 minutes – this was not what I had expected but could have been worse as I had not experience with as many starters.

5:27 in the first transition zone for getting out of the wetsuit and getting into the whole bike suit.

On the bike I tried to have a good speed so that y muscles are warm for the climb to Dienten am Hochkönig. I more or less followed my plan riding with a good speed up to Dienten. After that I tried not to over pace at the climb to Filzensattel because I knew that this is just about the half of the 90km distance. Due to good inspection and a video of the course that we made in summer I knew all the critical turns during the downhill to village Mariaalm. I tried to make a compromise between speed and risk not having an accident. Thankfully the rain started not before I reached the second aid station. All of a sudden I was really happy that I had chosen a warmer suit for the bike course, even though it took some more seconds for getting dressed.

Transition zone – change from bike to running shoes.

I reached the transition zone after 2:39:40 on the bike. This means even though there was huge climb one the course my mean speed slight below 34km/h.

Second transition took 3:51 which is mostly caused by the fact that I was not able to get out of my bike shoes and leave them on the bike.

The begin of 21.1km.

My inexperienced plan for the half-marathon was to stay under 1:30. At the beginning I was able to run the pace I wanted to run. Soon I recognised that this goal will not hold. Already during the first of two rounds I had to reduce speed.

…at the end of the half-marathon/ironman 🙂

At the end I could finished the run in 1:45 and the whole half Ironman in 5:09:48. I did not reach my goal but I earned a lot of experiences. Next time I will again try to finish under 5 hours and hopefully things work better than this time.

Thank’s to the huge support of Laura, Matthias, Robert of my Mum and my Dad and for all the pictures!!! Thank’s also to all the other fans during the Ironman 70.3 in Zell am See. It was a great racing day even though the weather was not on our side.

Finally its done!!! First half distance finished – with medal and aluminium blanket.

Further details to the results under: Ironman 70.3 Zell am See 2014


First highlight of the season – Vienna City half-marathon 2014

Am 12.04.2014 war es also soweit…der erste ernstzunehmende Wettkampf stand direkt vor der Haustüre. Die Reise begann am späten Samstagvormittag gemeinsam mit drei Freunden mit dem Auto nach Wien. Nach dem gemeinsamen Startnummer abholen und einem Essen trennten sich unsere Wege. Beim Spaziergang an der alten Donau zu meiner Übernachtungsmöglichkeit konnte ich noch einen gemütlichen Cappuccino (bin mir nicht sicher ob das einer war ;)) im Sonnenschein an der alten Donau genießen. Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an Kathi und Gero und natürlich auch die beiden Mädels die mir ihr Zimmer zur Verfügung gestellt haben und sicherlich auch mit der Gastfreundschaf zu meiner Leistung beigetragen haben – aber dazu später mehr.VCM-2014Am Sonntag war früh aufstehen angesagt – wobei so wirklich tief und lange schlafen konnte ich aufgrund der Aufregung eh nicht! Nach einem guten Frühstück ging es dann um kurz vor acht mit dem Auto zur U-Bahn und von dort direkt vor die Wiener Uno City wo der Start für den 31. Vienna City Marathon und Halbmarathon um 9 Uhr in mehreren Blöcken erfolgte. Ich habe mich aufgrund meiner während des Laktattest prophezeiten Halbmarathonzeit in den Startblock 2 (1:30:00 bis 1:45:00) zuteilen lassen. Nachdem ich mein Sackerl im richtigen ÖBB LKW abgegeben hatte, habe ich mich in den Block 2, leider im hinteren Drittel, gegeben und wartete auf den Start. Der Startschuss erfolgte pünktlich und auch unser Block konnte kurz nach den Profis und Block 1 loslegen. Schon kurz nach dem Start bemerkte ich, dass ich doch weiter vorne im Block 2 starten hätte sollen. Mir kam vor als ob ich bereits auf den ersten Kilometern den gesamten Startblock 2 überholt hatte…sehr mühsam kann ich nur sagen!!!
Meine Taktik war relativ simpel: Ich wollte nicht zu schnell anfangen aber auch nicht zu langsam damit ich mein Ziel “in die Nähe von 1:30 zu kommen” schaffe. Als Ratschlag bekam ich noch, dass ich schauen sollte meinen Puls bei 160 aber ja nicht über 165 zu halten. Nachdem ich vor dem Start bereits einen Ruhepuls von 100 hatte wegen der Aufregung, musst ich diese beiden Radschläge bereits nach km-2 oder -3 wieder über Bord werfen und bin die ganze Strecke mit 168 Puls im Schnitt durchgelaufen.
Ein weiteres Problem, das ich bereits nach einigen Kilometern bemerken konnte war, dass meine Suunto Ambit2 S immer wieder Ausfälle des GPS Signals hatte und mir somit meine aktuelle Geschwindigkeit ab und zu nicht angezeigt wurde. Man kann sich gar nicht vorstellen wie es ist, wenn man ein gewisses Tempo laufen möchte aber kein Gefühl dafür hat wie schnell das nun genau ist. Ich habe immer wieder versucht mit Läufern, von denen ich dachte sie laufen in etwa mein Tempo mich anzuhalten – leider hat mir dann meine Uhr (wenn sie wieder funktionierte), dass ich auch kein Gefühl habe wie schnell andere laufen :). Alles in allem hat es aber doch recht gut geklappt und ich konnte nach 21,0975 km durch die Wiener Innenstadt, mit einer Zeit von 1:38:08, meinen ersten Halbmarathon bejubeln.