On Sunday the 20th of March the first competition of season 2016 was on the plan. I wanted to see what effect my winter training has had.
My goal was to improve my personal best in half marathon, which should definitely be possible from the point of my training’s results.
The course was three laps on a 7 km circuit into the center with the start in the Herrgottwiesgasse.
I started with a pace of 4:00/km and was able to keep this pace up for the whole race – also because I have met Andreas Wünscher during the race and we could run together.
At the end I have improved my personal best half marathon time by 11 (!!!) minutes and finish with a time of 1:25:09.
This time put me onto the 32nd rank within my new age group AK30 and on the 60th rank overall.
Many thanks to Laura for the great pictures and to all the spectators as well as colleges who supported me and pushed me to that great performance.